Imperial College Network of Excellence in Physics of Life
Seminar Series and Biological Physics Journal Club (2019)

BPJC organisers: Luca Cocconi [Oct onwards] and Johannes Pausch [Jan - June]
Time: Fridays 2-3pm
Venue: Sir Ernst Chain Building, room SEC319, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London
[Unless indicated otherwise]

Click here for the current schedule

Jan 11 Presenter: Luca Cocconi
Paper: David Ruelle (2016)
A Generalized Detailed Balance Relation
Journal of Statistical Physics, 164, 463–471
Jan 18 Presenter: Gunnar Pruessner
Paper: Barbieri M, et al. (2012)
Complexity of chromatin folding is captured by the strings and binders switch model
PNAS 109, 16173
Jan 25 Presenter: Thibault Bertrand
Paper 1: Hexner D and Levine D (2017)
Noise, Diffusion, and Hyperuniformity
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 020601
Paper 2: Hexner D and Levine D (2015)
Hyperuniformity of Critical Absorbing States
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 110602
Feb 1 Presenter: Keith Willison
Paper: Willison K (2019)
An intracellular calcium wavelength code model extended to the Riemann zeta function
Feb 8 Presenter: Jenny Poulton
Paper: Zhuo R, Zhou F, He X, Sha R, Seeman N C and Chaikin P M (2019)
Litters of self-replicating origami cross-tiles
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 116 1952–7
Feb 15Presenter: Rosalba Garcia-Millan
Paper: Conrad J C, Gibiansky M L, Jin F, Gordon V D, Motto D A, Mathewson M A, Stopka W G, Zelasko D C, Shrout J D and Wong G C L (2011)
Flagella and Pili-Mediated Near-Surface Single-Cell Motility Mechanisms in P. aeruginosa
Biophys. J. 100 1608–16
Feb 22 Presenter: Nanxin Wei
Paper: Qin S and Tang C (2018)
Early-warning signals of critical transition: Effect of extrinsic noise
Phys. Rev. E 97 032406
Mar 1 Presenter: Henry Cavanagh
Paper: Sailem H, Arias-Garcia M, Bakal C, Zisserman A and Rittscher J (2017)
Discovery of Rare Phenotypes in Cellular Images Using Weakly Supervised Deep Learning
2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW) (IEEE) pp 49–55
Mar 8 Presenter: Kim Parker
Paper: Murray C D (1926)
The Physiological Principle of Minimum Work
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 12 207–14
Mar 22 Presenter: Chiu Fan Lee
Paper: Latorre E, Kale S, Casares L, Gómez-González M, Uroz M, Valon L, Nair R V., Garreta E, Montserrat N, del Campo A, Ladoux B, Arroyo M and Trepat X (2018)
Active superelasticity in three-dimensional epithelia of controlled shape
Nature 563 203–8
Mar 29 Presenter: Andrea Cairoli
Paper: Hartmann R, Singh P K, Pearce P, Mok R, Song B, Díaz-Pascual F, Dunkel J and Drescher K (2019)
Emergence of three-dimensional order and structure in growing biofilms
Nat. Phys. 15 251–6
May 3 Presenter: Johannes Pausch
Paper: Phonekeo S, Mlot N, Monaenkova D, Hu D L and Tovey C (2017)
Fire ants perpetually rebuild sinking towers
R. Soc. Open Sci. 4 170475
May 10 Presenter: Ignacio Bordeu Weldt
Paper: Greulich P and Simons B D (2018)
Extreme value statistics of mutation accumulation in renewing cell populations
Phys. Rev. E 98 050401
May 17 Presenter: Jacob Cook
Paper: Braakman R, Follows M J and Chisholm S W (2017)
Metabolic evolution and the self-organization of ecosystems
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 114 E3091–100
May 24 Presenter: Rosalba Garcia Millan
Paper: Shankar S, Ramaswamy S, Marchetti M C and Bowick M J (2018)
Defect unbinding in active nematics
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 108002
May 31 Presenter: Ben Partridge
Paper: Jorg DJ, Kitadate Y, Yoshida S, Simons BD (2019)
Competition for Stem Cell Fate Determinants as a Mechanism for Tissue Homeostasis
June 7 Presenter: Robert Endres
Paper: Wan K Y and Goldstein R E (2018)
Time Irreversibility and Criticality in the Motility of a Flagellate Microorganism
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 058103
June 14 Presenter: Nanxin Wei
Paper: Chen X, Randi F, Leifer A M and Bialek W (2019)
Searching for collective behavior in a small brain
Phys. Rev. E 99 052418
June 21 Presenter: Gunnar Pruessner
Paper: Nuebler J, Fudenberg G, Imakaev M, Abdennur N and Mirny L A (2018)
Chromatin organization by an interplay of loop extrusion and compartmental segregation
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 115 E6697–706
June 28 Presenter: Luca Cocconi
Paper: Barato A C, Hartich D and Seifert U (2014)
Efficiency of cellular information processing
New J. Phys. 16 103024
Oct 4 BPJC presenter: Luca Cocconi
Paper: Kahana A et al. (2008)
Active transport on disordered microtubule networks: The generalized random velocity model
Phys. Rev. E 78, 051912
Oct 11 BPJC presenter: Jacob Cook
Paper: Tomé T and de Oliveira M J (2018)
Stochastic thermodynamics and entropy production of chemical reaction systems
J. Chem. Phys. 148, 224104
Oct 18 BPJC presenter: Rosalba Garcia-Millan
Paper: Pierce C J et al. (2018)
Thrust and Power Output of the Bacterial Flagellar Motor: A Micromagnetic Tweezers Approach
Biophysical Journal 117, 1250
Oct 25 Invited seminar: Vahid Shahrezaei (Imperial College)
The interplay between gene expression and cell size
Time: 2-3pm; Venue: Flowers Building G47B
Nov 1BPJC presenter: Chiu Fan Lee
Paper: Shi Z et al. (2018)
Cell Membranes Resist Flow
Cell 175, P1769-1779.E13
Nov 8 BPJC presenter: Ziluo Zhang
Paper: Noel A C and Hu D L (2018)
Cats use hollow papillae to wick saliva into fur
PNAS 115, 12377
Nov 15 BPJC presenter: Keith Willison
Paper: Juusola M, et al. (2017)
Microsaccadic sampling of moving image information provides Drosophila hyperacute vision
ELife 6, e26117
Nov 22 Invited seminar: Shiladitya Banerjee (UCL)
Physics of size regulation in cell biology
Time: 11am-12pm; Venue: Flowers Building G47B
Nov 29BPJC presenter: Jessica McQuade
Paper: Hubatsch L, et al. (2019)
A cell-size threshold limits cell polarity and asymmetric division potential
Nature Physics 15, 1078
Dec 6Invited seminar: Tom Ouldridge (Imperial College)
Thermodynamics of minimal molecular copiers: is there a fundamental cost to accuracy?
Time: 2-3pm; Venue: Sir Ernst Chain Building, room SEC290
Dec 13BPJC presenter: Zigan Zhen
Paper: Martinez I A, et al. (2019)
Inferring broken detailed balance in the absence of observable currents
Nature Communications 10, 3542