Jan 13 | Presenter: Chiu Fan Lee Paper: Lavrentovich M O, Horsley E M, Radja A, S weeney A M and Kamien R D (2016) First-order patterning transitions on a sphere as a route to cell morphology Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 113 5189–94 |
Jan 20 | Presenter: Rosalba Garcia Millan Paper: Lombardi F, Herrmann H J, Plenz D and de Arcangelis L (2016) Temporal correlations in neuronal avalanche occurrence Scientific Reports 6 24690 |
Jan 27 | Presenter: Giovanni Sena Paper: Chauvet H, Pouliquen O, Forterre Y, Legué V and Moulia B (2016) Inclination not force is sensed by plants during shoot gravitropism Scientific Reports 6 35431 |
Feb 3 | Presenter: Robert Endres Paper: Barato A C and Seifert U (2015) Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation for Biomolecular Processes Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 158101 Venue: Seminar room 321 in the Sir Ernst Chain building |
Feb 17 | Presenter: Andrea Cairoli Paper: Weber C A, Lin Y T, Biais N and Zaburdaev V (2015) Formation and dissolution of bacterial colonies Phys. Rev. E. 92 32704 |
Feb 24 | Presenter: Linus Schumacher Paper: Posfai A, Taillefumier T and Wingreen N S (2017) Metabolic Trade-Offs Promote Diversity in a Model Ecosystem Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 28103 |
Mar 3 | Presenter: Benjamin Walter Paper: Denk J, Huber L, Reithmann E and Frey E (2016) Active Curved Polymers Form Vortex Patterns on Membranes Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 178301 |
Mar 10 | Presenter: Nanxin Wei Paper: Hummer G and Szabo A (2015) Optimal Dimensionality Reduction of Multistate Kinetic and Markov-State Models J. Phys. Chem. B 119 9029–37 |
Mar 17 | Presenter: David Nesbitt Paper: Mora T, Walczak A M, Del Castello L, Ginelli F, Melillo S, Parisi L, Viale M, Cavagna A and Giardina I (2016) Local equilibrium in bird flocks Nature Physics 12 1153–7 |
Mar 24 | Presenter: Kim Parker Paper: López J-L, López-Ruiz R and Calbet X (2012) Exponential wealth distribution in a random market. A rigorous explanation J. Math. Anal. Appl. 386 195–204 |
May 5 | Presenter: Ben Partridge Paper: Chen D, Aw W Y, Devenport D and Torquato S (2016) Structural Characterization and Statistical-Mechanical Model of Epidermal Patterns Biophys. J. 111 2534–45 |
May 12 | Presenter: Ignacio Bordeu-Weldt Paper: Manukyan L, Montandon S A, Fofonjka A, Smirnov S and Milinkovitch M C (2017) A living mesoscopic cellular automaton made of skin scales Nature 544 173–9 |
May 19 | Presenter: Johannes Pausch Paper: Hafner A E, Santen L, Rieger H, Shaebani M R and Granek R (2016) Run-and-pause dynamics of cytoskeletal motor proteins Sci. Rep. 6 37162 |
May 26 | Presenter: Gunnar Pruessner Paper: Garcia S, Hannezo E, Elgeti J, Joanny J-F, Silberzan P and Gov N S (2015) Physics of active jamming during collective cellular motion in a monolayer Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 112 15314–9 Venue: B204 in the Bessemer building |
Jun 9 | Presenter: Jean David Wurtz Paper: Berry J, Weber S C, Vaidya N, Haataja M and Brangwynne C P (2015) RNA transcription modulates phase transition-driven nuclear body assembly Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 112 E5237–45 |
Jun 16 | Presenter: Chiu Fan Lee Paper: Schwab D J, Nemenman I and Mehta P (2014) Zipf’s Law and Criticality in Multivariate Data without Fine-Tuning Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 068102 |
Jun 23 | Presenter: Rosalba Garcia Millan Paper: Jiao Y, Lau T, Hatzikirou H, Meyer-Hermann M, Joseph C. Corbo J C and Torquato S (2014) Avian photoreceptor patterns represent a disordered hyperuniform solution to a multiscale packing problem Phys. Rev. E 89 22721 |
Jun 30 | Presenter: Andrea Cairoli Paper: Yang Y and Jiang H (2017) Shape and Dynamics of Adhesive Cells: Mechanical Response of Open Systems Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 208102 |
Oct 20 | Presenter: Linus Schumacher Paper: Weitz S, Deutsch A and Peruani F (2015) Self-propelled rods exhibit a phase-separated state characterized by the presence of active stresses and the ejection of polar clusters Phys. Rev. E 92 12322 |
Oct 27 | Presenter: Chiu Fan Lee Shankar S, Bowick M J and Marchetti M C (2017) Topological Sound and Flocking on Curved Surfaces Phys. Rev. X 7 31039 |
Nov 3 | Presenter: Nanxin Wei Paper: Horowitz J M and England J L Spontaneous fine-tuning to environment in many-species chemical reaction networks PNAS 114 7565 |
Nov 10 | Presenter: David Nesbitt Paper: Saw T B, et al. (2017) Topological defects in epithelia govern cell death and extrusion Nature 544, 212 |
Nov 17 | Presenter: Kim Parker Paper: Cirillo P and Taleb N N (2016) On the statistical properties and tail risk of violent conflicts Phys. A Stat. Mech. its Appl. 452 29–45 |
Nov 24 | Presenter: Ben Partridge Paper: Liu G, et al (2017) A motility-induced phase transition drives Myxococcus xanthus aggregation Preprint: arXiv:1709.06012 |
Dec 1 | Presenter: Ignacio Bordeu-Weldt Paper: Nardini C, Fodor É, Tjhung E, van Wijland F, Tailleur J and Cates M E (2017) Entropy Production in Field Theories without Time-Reversal Symmetry: Quantifying the Non-Equilibrium Character of Active Matter Phys. Rev. X 7 21007 |
Dec 8 | Presenter: Johannes Pausch Paper: Amir A (2014) Cell Size Regulation in Bacteria Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 208102 |
Dec 15 | Presenter: Gunnar Pruessner Paper: Goehring N W, Trong P K, Bois J S, Chowdhury D, Nicola E M, Hyman A A and Grill S W (2011) Polarization of PAR proteins by advective triggering of a pattern-forming system Science 334 1137–41 |